Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I like to make art

There are two kinds of artists as I see it (today). Those who like to make art because they like to make art and those who make art because they like to make a statement. I fall in the prior category.

So…? Is there a difference…? I think there is. When I make art I’m out there in my subconscious canoe, flailing around with my eyes closed when suddenly I arrive and there it is; a new painting! I have no idea where it came from or what it means. I often say, when asked what it means, “I was just there when it happened, I really know nothing about it.”

I really have no idea about what the message thing is. I wouldn’t know a message if it bit me in the ass. If there is a meaning to my art I’ll leave that to someone else. Even if I wanted to I couldn’t figure out what it is; I’m having too much fun flailing around. I think I hear someone saying that’s called masturbation. Ok, I’m having too much fun masterbating.

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